
February 1st, 2010

As before this is a new post because Mary and Helen are in Guatemala…My comments are in blue and on your right is her earlier posts and leave a comment at the bottom of this page :)

Most of the pictures are clickable to enlarge just backspace to come back.

We are in Guatemala, Antigua city and it is very touristic but also quite sensational with artesanal works..pity i dont have a big bag and still have many miles to travel..

we were on the bus at 0600 after setting the alarm for Helen to watch the tennis from 0300 -lucky Federa won in the nic of time and kept her very happy!!

So global here and heaps of foreign tourists which is a bit of a gross impact after our chicken bus adventures!!

Ps its a bit cold here!!and drizzling rain too…

Your not in Guatamala now Dr Ropata :) hahaha had to say it :)

Was hoping to see more birds of interest yet…and i so badly want to see a toucan!! and now a quetsell..

we are going to Panajachel tomorrow and staying with a woman who Linda got to know in NZ!! she has daughter that Linda was midwife for there..

quite hot again today..

Febuary 3rd 2010

Mary is in Panajachel visiting a freind of her cousin Linda and staying at a very nice house apparently  It is on a Lake much like Taupo but bigger I gather, and equally touristy.

I had a lovely trip up here and now sitting in Lisas lounge while she makes fresh brewed coffee from the beans she grows here. Her place is really lovely and peaceful and fresh veges and herbs growing in the garden too. Pana is a fresh clean town with as much tourist activity as Antigua on the shores of a big blue lake across from a volcano!! Definitely a place to return to..

I sat on the mini bus with an interesting old bloke who barely made it on and was struggling through his first coffee of the day but he had been travelling much of his life and knew lots of the area so was very clued up about all that there is to see. so got a few tips from him.

We are going to head back to town for crepes later and watch the sun set and out on the lake tomorrow.

Its been a great adventure and still loving it though.

February 4th 2010

been having such a lovely time with Lisa.Today we went out
on the lake to visit Casa El Mundo..voted the most beautiful
hotel in Guatemala and her sister and husband built and own

I am assuming this is it :)

we checked out the markets in panahachel tis afternoon
and tomorrow early we will pick coffee and then i will catch
a chicken bus for chich..

The Lake

WOW such a arty pic :) she is gorgeous

Febuary 5th Chichicastenango

we are now in amazing little Mayan
village or small town in the mid highlands. The weather is
like NZ summer wuth hot sun, winds and cold evenings. Today
was market day which happens Thursday andf Sunday and thewre
was an amazing collection of artesanal wares for sale and
onlt a few buyers..seems like tourism is really suffering
here also..maybe after bird flu scares and other things.
anyway i bought a small table cloth with beautiful silk
stitching in vibrant colours that i will have to squeeze
into my pack somehow!!

the products are just irresistable
and think everyone should come here and support the economy
and get some beautiful stuff to take home!! The people are
all very small here and the nativas, indigenous people
proudly wear their traditional clothong at all times and
carry large bundles on their backs or heads and kids in
cotton slings. They are very welcoming.

I stayed with Lisa in Panahachel and we had a great time out
dancing first night and then to visit her sisters beautiful
hotel on the lake by boat. Last night we drank some tequila
and went up town for crepes and pina colada made in the
pineapple with a sparkler lit on serving it!! wow this is a
really beautiful place to be..
Lisa and I picked coffee this mporning off her trees and i
can really appreciate all the work that goes into getting
the beans to drinking stage..hers is delicious!!

Lisa picking coffee beans

I caught a chicken bus from there and changed over at los
Encuentros for Chichi..the first bus was going like the
clappers up hill and went over a drain edge and on 2 wheels
at one point so was really glad Lisa had rescued my bag from
the roof back inside with me..i got the next bus straight
away but it was absolutely full so i stood to start with and
my bag was squeezed in by the gear stick..well it just got
fuller!!I ended up sitting near the back squeezed into the
seat with 2 others and 2 in the aisle..some school kids were
just finnished and going home also!!! so.. there were 80
people squeezed in and just praying my case would not go
missing…this bus roared down the road and round tight
bends with the music blaring and hugging the edges of walls
in town…so we arrived in less than an hour total from
Panahachel!!in time to meet with Helen at our hotel and go
check the markets!!

Guatemala is a really beautiful country..the people seem so
hard-working with every spare ledge of land cultivated with
all sorts from maize to cabbages..and there is also the very
well developed parts that are familiar to our lifestyles.
Its a great place to come visit.
Off to Quetzeltenango tomorrow then mexico…ciao Mary XXX