
February 21st, 2010

As before this is a new post because Mary and Helen are now in Bogota City Columbia…My comments are in blue and on your right is her earlier posts and leave a comment at the bottom of this page :)

Most of the pictures are clickable to enlarge just backspace to come back.

Today we went off to the Botero art museum which was fabulous..he does all this paintings of really plump people, fruit etc..and sculptures well as some other artists..also a huge gallery of photos from Africa about the refuge situation.. dont know if  mentioned it but when we were in Guatemala there were people collecting for Haiti in a place where they barely had enough to feed themselves..

Botero Mona Lisa

Bogota in the day light is so much less skanky than on arrival at night with asll the shops shut and a few people lurking  in  the streets..I love it here now and think its a pretty cool interesting city.

Bogota is the most populated city of Columbia it has twice the population of New Zealand with 8 million people

today helen and i had a spanish lesson to help us along a bit more..bit late really but useful. We are staying at this hostel for the time here cos it is clean, safe and central–i got it wrong before and its called the Cacique Sugamixi..(head guy of some sort)and will take a day trip out in the country..

We both have been feeling a bit breathless on slight exertion we think due to altitude..its also cold here and am wearing my fleecy and rapidly deteriorating cotton pants..only a bit over a week to go..we checked out some fashion shops today..bought nothing though and found a hardware shop to replace our power adaptor..just getting downtown that far was interesting cos there are some pretty seedy places and people amongst the best of it..lots of armed security and police around too and havent felt unsafe but getting harrassed by beggers again..they especially pick on us as tourists. One guy refused the fruit i offered him and was disgusted with Helen’s coins that she gave..wanting more.

bogota guy selling mangastein fruit..he had a huge scar down his face and was quite edgy even though i just bought a bag of them

We went shopping at an arcade ysteray and couldve been anywhere in the world with all the label shops there but different shoppers…very elegant columbian women took 20 minutes in the taxi to get there cos this city is so huge and we are staying in the historical centre just below Montserat..yet to go up to the top yet cos we saving it till a more safe busy weekend time..

WQent out for our spanish class last noght then looked for some live music at this famous used to be abrothel with rooms upstairs and a balcony al round a courtyard down below..really beautiful little place but there was one couple upstairs (drinking) and Helen and me downstairs!!!

well we could hardly leave cos we had been coercerced into coming in and waiting for the live music..we had barely enough money for 2 lemonades!! well the music was great jazz with a huge double base saxaphone drummer and guitarist..really good music but had to leave eventually an hour later after dragging out the drink..actually had sampled the special drink at a coffee bar prior with a large shot of alcohol in expresso coffee..short walk home with a police guard at the corner so quite safe..

all good and off on a bus to the salt cathedral at Zipaquiri today..first day its raining lightly so will take the umbrella..

Main plaza Cityhall of Zipaquirá

just got back from our trip to zipa…well this is the most premier tourist attraction for Colombia according to them but not up our alley!!

we caught the great transmillenium bus like a metro with dedicated roads for these really fast buses..we crossed town in 45 minutes and changed to the other flotas out to dropped off at an intersection and started walking up the street towrds the hill…the guy said straight up and left so I led Helen on a wild goosechase way up the top of the wrong signage anywhere mind you..and it was a wonderful view

The kids came out of school and wanted their photo taken..

we found the right place after a walk down and up again but it was a narrow entrance to a long mine shaft and we are both a bit claustrophobic so declined the free guide and made the fastest dash down the shaft for ages and past the stations of the cross carved in the sides of the tunnel to the cathedral. However the path right into the cathedral was too narrow so we saw and raced back out gasping for some fresh air!!

That was our little experience out of town..the road trip was through some pretty polluted countryside with fresian cows,sheep and goats grazing on bare brown grass amidst the old plstic bags..also some plastic green house areas but pretty ugly really..i think there must be lots prettier parts of the country.

Now resting up and hoping the rain will stop drizzling before going for dinner somewhere..Helens last weekend of big city life so have to worjk up some energy to go out again..

we went for dinner to a lovely spot..the hotstel managers wife works there and came to get us and walk was another amazing little area tucked away that we would not have ventured into,,up a narowing alley and opening into a courtyard where heaps of young people were just gathering round relaxing even though it was drizzling rain..the restaurant was on several levels round a courtyard with rooms opening onto it.  as seems usual here…we were tucked into a corner wth several couples sitting at tables on floor cushions in candlelight..a bit intimate and too dark almost to read the menu..but the food was delicious and a musicians played in the courtyard..after a couple of hours we went to find the salsa at the bar previous but again there was none there..seems very elusive so far apart from one night entertainment in Costa rica..

this morning we have been laboring over our Spanish homework and about to head up to Montserrat!!for the view over the city..

ciao for now

Sunday 21st Febuary

Hey you.. am back at our hostel again…no dance or salsa happening here ..we wandered around in the freezing cold, got pestered by beggars..found one spot but they served no food and limited drinks..there was also this rubbish scrounging guy with 10 dogs trailing with him..Helen thought how sweet! ..i thought how dangerous a pack like that could be..big lean dogs to..quite wierd..ended up in our local vicinity and i had an empanada and Helen salsa then a slice of pizza at the next spot and home for a cup of tea at 930..we gave our salsa address list to some young people to see if they have a better chance going out late!!

Monday 22nd Febuary

i had a bit of a sleep in this AM for once cos was in all my winter woolies and was so cold last the sun is shining and already warm thank goodness.
Ii think the tension of being in a strange place is quite tiring..last night there were 5 people demanding money over in the dance bar zone we were looking for addresses..areas of very few people out on the streets and locked empty buildings..police with Rottweiler dogs muzzled on lead..then another few over here nearby demanding money…
police have got the hostel to take photos of guests to ensure security and we needed a taxi to the bottom of Montserrat cable car as tourists are still being mugged and robbed. however life goes on and that’s no reason to stay in and avoid trouble. today we may go to the flea market and independence park..but have to round up some energy first.
what a big moan..Helen went out and got some great brekkie which we just had..and sorting our bags now for the next move early tomorrow morning.

Mary and Helen have flown to Quito the capital of Ecuador today our time but its Monday their time :) time difference can mess with your head :)