
February 24th, 2010

As before this is a new post because Mary and Helen are now in Quito Ecuador…My comments are in blue and on your right is her earlier posts and leave a comment at the bottom of this page :)

Most of the pictures are clickable to enlarge just backspace to come back.

Well we are here in Ecuador and it is very lovely..the hostel is run really well and very busy..so 3 computers for 80 guests and you book your time as it comes free..more out there on the street anyway..

Secret Garden Hostel Quito Ecuador

Our last night ion Bogota we went to the movies again..for the 6pm session..we saw lovely bomes directed by peter jackson in English at a very nice cinma where you were seated but we were right up front so after lights out we moved back and then had tyo move 3 more times cos others came in with the usher by torchlight and we had their seasts..bit embarrassing really.

was very sad and we cried at the beginning middle and end!!!

Isn’t it funny Mary and helen travel thousands of miles to watch a kiwi movie and cry about it :) hahahaha

then we came out onto the street…it was 2045 and barely anyone around except maybe 2 couples walking on each block either side of the 6 lane steet, the rubbish scroungers, guys peeing in the gutter and no….police in sight anywhere. We walked really quickly..even through the pack of dogs that were around the same guy again..i wish i saw his face but too scared to make eye contact..maybe he is quite benevolent..no worries and made it back to our hostel and saw the first police standing outside there!!

Sunday seems to be the most scetchy noght in town..the young couple had no more luck finding dance music the previous night and also came back cos it was too out of their comfort zone. So Bogota is great by day but not at night.

We are off to El mundo central today where you can put a foot each side of the equator!!

we just visited mitad del mundo..water truly goes straight down the plug on the centre line of the equator and just 2 metres away it goes in opposite directions..totally awesome…

The Mitad del Mundo (Spanish: Middle of the World) is a tract of land owned by the prefecture of the province of Pichincha, Ecuador.

had a great day and ordered dinner here which was excellent last night and good price..$10 us each for 3 course!!

hopefully off to Mindo, the cloud forest for zip lines and birds and forest stuff…today we saw huge horned beatles mostly specimens and some live…at the insectarium. A huge live spider that was black and wooly too!! and as big as your hand beforew speading its legs out..eek it wasnt even fully enclosed..

Waterfall Mindo Ecuador

We had a fantastic time on the zip line trip in the cloud forest at Mindo. We left straight after breakfast and travelled by taxi van going down 1000 metres over 2 hrs. The land went form bare and dry to beautiful forest..and tropical fruit..We also got a tyre puncture both on the way and back..he put the little replacement on and we did a skid on the tight turn with cliff edge drop and after that slowed down a lot thasnk goodness…very safe driver but i guess he forgot it didnt grip the same….

Whoa …. already to zip through the trees

Have no idea what Mary is doing :)

Go Helen…. just don’t look down

Anyway we went to a butterfly farm and saw really colourful Hummingbirds,,heaps of butterflies and on to the zip lines after..swinging across the forest..for about 13 cable rides..it was a great feeling of speed and fresh air over huge vallys. they had leather gloves with a steel insert to use as a brake if needed and 2 attachments to the steel rope…we chrecked it out thoroughly cos all a bit nervous..there were 5 of us from a group here..

Today we’ve been having a lazy day checking out some parks and the artisan market downtown and then went off wandering by myself for a bit..bought a Galapagos book since we didnt make it there!

Tomorrow we leave here about 9 and will lock our bags in this hostel cos we just stay 1 night at Otavalo with a day bag, then back on Sat after lunch to catch the plane that evening..have a wee bit of spending money left for the markets!!

Sunday 28th Febuary 2010

The Chile earthquake has affected Mary and Helen’s homeward bound plans they were to fly into Santiago tonight and transfer to a Qantas flight to Auckland however the Santiago Airport is shut and they have no idea how they will get home at this stage, I will up-date you as I get them.

Just got a email from Mary.

we are staying at least 2 days more in Quito. We went to the airport cos there was a small info on Lans website advising this and saying flights were being redirected. we  waited in the que to be told there is no way out..all flights full..and have a number to ring and update tomorrow..also they would take no responsibility for accomodation as it was a climatic problem and not their fault..same answer to others on our flight too.

Sooooo we had already asked at our hostel about available beds and there was only one dorm bed there..although at a pinch they could sort something..we thought what the hell..we had seen the Hilton on a walk down to the centre of town by the park so got Lan office to ring them,,arranged reservation and pickup and hetre we are up on the 15th floor..with a stunning view over the park and city..figure we can afford a couple of nights here at $150 a night and hopefully insurance might refund it..we are sick of doing cheap cold hostels and ready for luxury..at least for a few nights..there is even a phone in the bathtroom and 2 double beds and absolute quiet…so sleep in for the first time in ages!!.our phone number is …593-2 2560666 and room 1563  i think you can skype much cheaper than me calling and have already tried but didnt get through!!

I am sure this sounds extravagant but sharing the costs and charging to bankcard will help!!

So I called her on Skype and said how happy I was that they are going to spend their last two nights there in comfort, staying in hostels is a noisy and rather public affair, the Hostel that they were staying at was very noisy and they got little sleep all week so now they can get the chance to catch up.

Monday March 1st 2010


stranded at the Hotel Hilton!!!

Bit different than a hostel :)

Quatro vinos por favor :)

We went from dodging Llamas and tripping over tied up chickens on Saturday morning at the >Otavalo animal market to plush silence and sterility at the Hilton Hotel..that evening.

I know i would rather be at Otavalo..its wierd how rich people seem to prefer silence and space rather than the up close and personal experience of the locals at the market and on the chicken bus.

We went out to Otavalo on Friday morning by 40 min taxi then

1 1¿2hr bus..it was drizzly rain and we wandered around the stalls in the centre of town with very few shoppers and got a bit carried away with buying a few things.. we had lunch at a little stepdown street restaurant for $1.50 each for a 3course meal..chicken and vege soup which tasted delicious till i buried my spoon to fish out the drumstick and scooped up a chicken claw that had swelled with boiling to look like a little childs fingers!!eek..i feel nauseous thinking about it!!..so i fished it out and wrapped it in a tissue to hide it and carried on eating.. next was a huge plate of grilled chicken thigh on rice with salad and for desert a blackberry compote thing..along with orange juice and a cup of coffee..so cheap!

.that evening we found a restaurant that served fantastic pizza and there was an Andean music group playing..it was magical!

we got up and walked to the animal market which sells everything alive but mostly pigs, cows and sheep, llamas, puppies, rabbits and heaps of chickens like baby ones or big ones tied in bundles together! The day was really sunny and hot and the rest of the markets selling artesanal stuff had spread to all the streets round the central square with a huge range of awesome stuff..spent the last of our money with just enough to get back to Quito in the afternoon. we took another chicken bus for 2hrs and i sat by this beautiful old lady (65 yrs) who smelt of earthy things and had knarled brown hands and the usual native dress of frilly blouse and wooly skirt and a head-dress thing with an orange micro-fleece jacket over the top!!She came to my chest height like most of the locals. We had a bit of conversation about family and where she lives in Spanish..the music blared and we dozed off for the 2hr trip back..

on arrival back to the city George had sent the email about the earthquake else we would have no idea.. so we rushed out to the airport and nothing can be done at present so here we are filling time at the Hilton…cos there was no room at our hostel and figure we can afford 2 nights of luxury. We look out over the park to the city and hills beyond. the streets are closed here this morning for sunday bikers and its lovely and sunny..i think we needed the rest and loved the soft sheets and thick towels and hot shower, room service and TV…now just waiting for flights to happen. I forgot to say i had thrown out my spare trousers cos i already had mended the worn out seat..and am left with 2 pairs of undies and socks and the jeans i am wearing..which were supposed to see me home. will have to get some more happy pants at the market..another excuse to shop..

heaps of love to all and will get home eventually..and be happy to get back to work to pay for all this!!

Ciao Mary XXXXXXXx

Monday 1st march 2010

Ok Mary and Helen still don’t know whats happening but at least their insurance company confirmed they will pay :) I talked with mary today and it seems the novelty of staying in a plush hotel has worn off already… she just wants to be home…. and so do I :)

Wednesday 3rd March

Mary has had to buy a new ticket to travel home so she is traveling as I write this through Miami and then LA and then to Auckland…. She arrives in Palmerston North on Thursday 4th of March at 1:00 pm.

Helen is staying and going to Galapagos Island and will take the rescheduled flight through Santiago on Thursday the 11th of March straight to Auckland… both Girls are safe and ok :)