Itacare Brazil

January 2nd, 2010

This is a blog about Mary’s trip through Brazil and Central America all comments are from her via her emails to me . My comments are in blue. At the bottom is a comments panel I encourage all who read this to leave a message to Mary. The ealier posts are top right.

Most of the pictures are clickable to enlarge just backspace to come back.

….. Happy 2010 to you all

Mary Itacare january 2nd 2010


great talking to you and you are doing an amazing job on the blog but getting a bit large to view isnt it. youll sort it no doubt. so thought I would add the NYE going ons. to go with the pics we had a really wonderful time here too in a perfect setting. We all dressed up and went down to the beach where several bands were playing. at midnight there was a fireworks display, lots of hugs and kisses with friends and then as tradition goes here Ben had bought me a rose and I ran down to the sea, jumped seven waves and made a wish and threw my rose out over the water!!! I can see why most of them had short dresses on – its also tradition to wear only white..however Ben had bought me this beautiful brasilian colaurful dress for christmas!!

we carried on partying till dawn with the music playing till about 0500..watched the sun rise and the full moon set and wondered up the beach-we got caught in a downpour of rain then the sun came out again so went home for our bathers and a snack then back down to the surf for a swim..finally getting to bed at 0830. since I have been taking metronidazole for my stomach upset( wish I had gotten onto it sooner) I drank no alcohol so am none the worse for wear today!!after a few hours sleep.

Author note : outstanding effort Mary-Jean Rata :)

January 2nd 2010

Ben and I are sleeping up in the rooftop now – its stunning here as you can sit on the bed and just see the tops of the trees and fresh air blowing through. Its kindof set up with the necessities and am getting to work with the situation and absence of water supply at certain times daily. hand washing in a bucket, cold water dish wash in tub and bucket flush loo and quick cold shower. we eat mangoes freshly fallen from the sea and the neighbors often bring fresh cooked fish and other local dishes.

Author note : The roof

today Eduarda came again and I took her for a walk down by the river and sat on an old upturned boat. a young mum came along with her baby and we sat together and the little kids

played- she looked so young and thin and was waiting for a canoe back home up river..

it was such a great family day today with Deete and her family here too for a bit having a laugh about things- my Portuguese is still pretty hopeless but enough to get the gist of things mostly.

the paying guests seem to have settled in and having a great time relaxing by the pool and less aggressive loud music.we have given out the lastof the mattress and for the next 2 nights will be tossing a coin for the hammock or the double hard bed base!

we are planning to head up to the farm on Monday cos Ben has a digger coming to put in his driveway and dam!!should be fun.

PS I spent last night sleeping on a quilt on the bare boards then it rained at 0400 -bucketing down and I needed a pee so had to grab a bucket and use it under shelter!cos the bathroom is open to the stars It got quite cold so had to grab a Tshirt from Bens pile and snuggle under a layer of quilt while the wet air blew in!

Getting a small insight into life for those people who sleep in cardboard and plastic shelters! How lucky we are for all our luxury trappings.

ou heaps and hope 2010 is a fantastic year for you

Mary itacare january 5th 2010

a woman friend of Bens came by as I was going to bike to the surf beach and I went off with her in the canoe. Her and Ben have a little business with this dugout canoe and have a man to paddle it. this guy Miguel has 11 children with his one partner the youngest is 7 months. He has the most interesting face really weather-beaten and smiling and the small lean body of all the fishermen here.

we paddled out from the house through the mangroves cos the tide was up then across the rio to Pontal where theres a big point of land out into the river mouth. So we swam in the river on one side then the surf. There was noone about at this early hour but already the sun is baking. We were in the river and a big school of fish started jumping right near us. Miguel took the net out but didnt catch any this time.

I,m heading up the farm with Ben so had to come back and anyway was getting hungry for breakfast by 1000. Its so good to have a sound stomach again thanks to the metronidazole!

Therres a little restaurant at the point but their supplies werent coming across till 1000. We paddled by an old man who lives in a wee house constructed on his little boat- people need very little space here. a house the size of mine is considered really large. It was just so peaceful on the river. Most people come here for the beach and stay at the pousadas on Conchas where there is no surf and heaps of cabana bars with chairs and tables and the surf just round the bay- it gets so crowded. Here at Bens is completely different with nearly all local families, people up early at 0600 walking about, kids laughing and playing in the street.

By 2100 its pretty quiet-hardly anyone around whilke the gringos and partying Basileiros are napping before getting up at 2300 to party till 4 or 5 a manha. Last night we were out at a bar for a party- at 1000 people trickled in and the DJ played till 0100 then at last the band started. By 0130 I,d had enough and came home. drinking Caiparinha, no alcohol (lime juice really) i felt great this AM.

well this part of the holiday is nearly over and I,m looking forward to coming back to visit Itacare and friends made here.

Author note : So am I too

been to the Jungle patch of Bens and on the way we saw a big 2foot lizard laying on the road and ran off, then an animal like a stoat ran away through thee undergrowth. it was about 3foot long with  long black fur and fat long tail!!

Author note : 2 foot Lizards and 3 foot rats hhhmmm

Mary takes a bus to Salvador on the 6th (which is tomorrow as I write this) and then she flys to Rio De Janeiro to join up with Helen Cleary to continue on to next leg of her trip :) through Central America so the next posts will be from Rio.

They leave for Panama City on the 11th of January after that the updates my not be that flash :)

January 7th 2010 Salvador

So I talked to Mary last night on Skype which was about 7:00am her time she was ready to head to the bus.

Got a txt this morning she spent 4 hours getting to Salvador Airport by Bus, Ferry and Taxi she is in the que very tired hungry and hot… then she has a 6 hour plane trip to Rio…. ssshhh go hard Mary-Jean :)