
January 13th, 2010

As before this is a new post because Mary and Helen are in Panama…My comments are in blue and on your right is her earlier posts and leave a comment at the bottom of this page :)

Most of the pictures are clickable to enlarge just backspace to come back.

Click the map to make it bigger and then backspace to come back

We had great day in Pañana city went by taxi to the old centre and wandered round early couldn’t help shopping a little cos there were beautiful embroidered white shirts!!then then went to panana canal and saw a huge boat going through with barely an inch to spare. pretty amazing really.

Mary Panama_001

Author Note : Ship in Panama Canal

panama mary

Mary and the Canal

panama helen_001

Helen and the Canal

Mary Pan2_001

Author note : Panama City

caught another taxi past the trains station and we are going tomorrow at 0715 on the return train ride to Colon supposed to be one of the best train rides in the world. Not very flash at colon so will take a taxi and ger a bus to a beach close by to spend the day coning back at 615 that evening.

there is a jazz festival here but think we miss the best of it and been a bit hard finding out the directions to where its happening, the weather is so nuch cooler than rio – more like nz summer..

Mary Pan3_001

Author note : Artist? The communication here is not as good as Brazil, so updates may be a little sparse

January 14 2010

Had great day today -up early to catch the canal train to Colon ‘was really cool going through the forest canopy in glass roof carriage for a while and sights of the canal and forest and rainbow with tropical rain shower, We grabbed a taxi at Colon as they say it is a bit dangerous there..but he just went 3 blocks to the bus station and charged 4$ weell what a rip off but anyway,,, got a local bus to Portobello for $2.50 return, a little fishing village on the coast 1 1/2 hrs away but only about 35kms we stopped all along the routr and sometimres just 3 houses apart! quite funny realy and loud latin music playing all along the way.

The buses are huge old things decorated all over–ours had all the gears covered in tinsel with smiley face stickers and feather boas on the windsereen Quiet little place to spend the morning and help a little with the local economy of course, then took bus back and walked to train station for ride home. the bus station was quitr intersting and wandered round a bit and got some food there. Glad I have a little latin language cos it really helps.

Panama bus

Author note : The bus :) looks cool, the following photos are thumbnails Mary sent them to me but I don’t full description. Click on them to see the full image.

opps forgot to say we arrived back at train a hour early aand security guard at locked gate however when he realised we,d be hanging out in the street he let us in and with gun under one arm he picked up 2 plastic chairs in the other to take them to the shade for us to sit – very helptul!!

January 16th 2010

We had cool weather last night for first time ever!

We got on a bus from Panama to David and was very cool – got front seats in top of double decker air=con bus until the sun came out and the air con not functioning—had to pull the curtain across the window and we were steaming up there till someone found a window could open…. fewer people so could move about and find best seat but first stop was 3hrs in for petrol -no loo on the bus- and many women piled into que for filthy loo then half hr down the road was restaurant stop for lunch. after 6hrs from start there was an immigration police check where police came on and checked our passports..finally arrived after 8hrs!! lucky the phone worked cos I had booked accommodation at a very cool hostel – the Purple house. pity no good for text—The city is really full cos this week is the coffee and flowers festival at Boquette… so we showered and got on the local bus along with 70 or more othere all doubled up in the seats including a policeman while the driver raced off speaking on his cell phone and playing loud music!!very amausing to keep stopping and those in the aisles would pile out to make room for those getting off and then get on again.

The festival was really something else!! A bit like an ag fair with added music for 24hrs over the week. Really full on rave party at might with several bar setups and pumpimg loud music and so many prople out to enjoy the night life !!!we ate the local fast food like fried sliced bananas * bit greasy( and tacos and kebabs..and caught the bus back at

midnight   up there was very cool and stands selling hats

gloves and jackets..also cigarette stands with beautiful women and cigarettes decked out with chrome and glass for sales.

Up at 0730 this AM and off to check out a wildlife islamd place…

Author note : Mary must be getting used to long bus trips… she and Helen have gone to Isla Boca Brava a Wildlife Island off the coast so not communication for a couple of days

January 17th 2010

now sat evening here and we back from theisland – was very peaceful with howler monkeys, hummingbirds, pelicanms and very few people.. had long walk though the trees and swam in tepid water like warm urine-a bit brownish and not cooling at all… this morning wew wereup early and had big brekkie then kayked to another little island saw huge lizard eating a crab,, I kayaked around the island then swam and back for huge lunch of fresh fish and on our way again. quiet night tonoght before heading to San Jose in Costa Rica tomorrow on long bus trip..

Author Note : Mary and Helen took a 9 hour bus trip to Costa Rica today